by Homeschooling Backgrounder | School Choice
Audra Talley December 4, 2023 Reprinted by permission of the artist. Based on a presentation by Steven Policastro.
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Compiled by Rodger Williams Updated January 3, 2024 Note: These article titles are links to the individual articles, followed by an excerpt from each article. ________________________________ Context Two Types of Private Education Under “School Choice”...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger Williams October 6, 2023 The Heritage Foundation published a Factsheet titled School Choice Policies Do Not Raise Private School Tuition. In it they claim: Over the past 10 years, states that never had a school choice policy had higher rates of tuition...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger Williams October 2, 2023 Universal School Choice usually costs taxpayers more, not less. The problem is that under Universal School Choice Education Savings Account (ESA) and universal voucher programs, the taxpayer ends up funding additional private school...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger Williams September 5, 2023 We are seeing a new phenomenon in private schools. Some schools are raising tuition in response to government School Choice money flowing into the marketplace: In Iowa, Holy Family Catholic Schools announced that they would be raising...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues
Compiled by Rodger Williams August 17, 2023 General compulsory schooling shall exist in the German Reich. It ensures the education and instruction of German youth in the spirit of National Socialism. All children and youths of German nationality who have their...