by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Government funding for private education invites regulation. The state will determine what is taught, no matter what form of instruction is used. Take the money vs. Don’t take the money has replaced Private School vs. Homeschool as the most important factor in...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger WilliamsNovember 21, 2022 Has School Choice hurt any homeschoolers to date? The short answer is “No.” A more perceptive answer is “No, because homeschoolers have erected barriers against harm from existing School Choice programs.” It is...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger WilliamsSeptember 13, 2022 Greg Forster wrote an interesting article about the concerns homeschoolers have with School Choice. I appreciate the author of this article. He takes head-on the idea that School Choice endangers homeschoolers — a rare...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger WilliamsMarch 15, 2022 “School Choice” means parental education choices that are paid for by the government, with either direct payments or education tax credits. School Choice advocates often claim that homeschoolers will be protected from government...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Evidence, Issues
Rodger WilliamsMay 21, 2021 Child abuse reports are commonly used to predict whether or not a particular child will become the victim of child abuse or neglect. Several years ago there was a bill in the Oregon Legislature that every parent who had a child abuse report...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, School Choice
Rodger WilliamsDecember 4, 2020 What is School Choice? Most people think “options” when they hear the term “school choice.” The ability of parents to legally choose homeschooling, for example. But that is not what School Choice means. The...