by Rodger Williams | Issues, Mandated Reporter Visits
Some state lawmakers propose legislation to require home visits for homeschoolers from mandated reporters to check for child abuse. Their reasoning is that public school students are protected by mandated child abuse reporting at the school and that homeschooled...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Issues, Mandated Reporter Visits
Richard Wexler March 30, 2017 Excerpt: Self-proclaimed liberal Marie Cohen’s latest column in The Chronicle calls for requiring that every parent who homeschools a child bring that child before a mandated reporter of child abuse for periodic inspection. Try...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Abuse, Research
Rodger WilliamsMarch 26, 2018 Some homeschool critics claim that no useful research results exist about homeschool child abuse rates, that we just do not know what these rates are. The fact that there has been no randomized sampling of the entire population of...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Regulation, Research
Brian Ray March 15, 2018 Excerpt: A statistical analysis of 18 years of data from all the U.S. states found no relationship between the degree of state control or regulation of homeschooling and the frequency of abuse of homeschool students. That is, low-regulation...
by Homeschooling Backgrounder | Regulation, Research
Brian Ray January 23, 2018 Excerpt: Based on empirical evidence to date, there is a remarkable rate of abuse of U.S. schoolchildren by school personnel (e.g., teachers, coaches, bus drivers, administrators, custodians). The multiple laws, regulations, and policies...